How to write a will: practical guide and advice

Writing a will is a crucial step to ensure the transmission of your goods according to your wishes. As a specialist in legal law, I will guide you through this important process. My experience has shown me that many people hesitate to take the plunge, but believe me, it’s a gesture that brings real peace of mind. Let me explain how testament clearly and efficiently.

Understand the different types of will

Before you start writing, it is essential to know the different forms of will available to you. During my career, I could see that the choice of the type of will often depends on the personal situation of each.

The olographic will

The holographic will is by far the most common, representing around 80% of cases. It is a fully written hand -written document, dated and signed by the testator. Its simplicity makes it a much appreciated option.

The authentic will

The authentic will is written by a notary in the presence of the testator and witnesses. It offers additional legal certainty, particularly suitable for complex situations.

The mystical will

Less common, the mystical will is written by the testator and then returned to a notary. It combines discretion and authenticity.

Key steps to write your will

Now that we have reviewed the types of will, let’s focus on writing itself. I remember a client who, intimidated by the task, finally found the liberating process. Here are the essential steps to follow:

Preparation and formalities

To start, gather all the necessary elements:

  • Paper and a pen (for a holographic will)
  • Your ID
  • The list of your property and your potential heirs

Make sure you are in a clear and serene state of mind. Testament Request for reflection and calm.

Content writing

Here are the elements to include in your will:

  1. Your complete identity
  2. A clear testamentary declaration
  3. The precise designation of the beneficiaries
  4. Details on the distribution of your property
  5. A clause of revocation of previous wills
  6. Your handwritten signature
  7. The date of writing

Do not forget to use the appropriate vocabulary as “I bequeathed” or “legatee”. Avoid erasures and number the pages if necessary.

Practical advice

To guarantee the validity of your will, here are some important recommendations:

To do Avoid
Write up readily Erasure
Be in your formulations Bequeath more than the available quota
Date and sign the document Add a posteriori arrangements
Have reread by a notary if possible Antidate the will

How to write a will: practical guide and advice

Conservation and modification of the will

Once your will written, it is necessary to keep it in a safe place. I highly recommend the deposit with a notary. Not only does this guarantee its preservation, but it also facilitates its discovery at the right time. I saw situations where lost will have caused many concerns to families.

Where to keep your will?

You have several options for the conservation of your will:

  • At a notary (recommended option)
  • In a personal safe
  • With a trusted person

If you opt for a deposit with a notary, your will may be entered in the central file of the latest wishes (FCDDV) provisions. This will greatly facilitate its location after your death.

Modification and revocation

It is central to know that you can modify or revoke your will at any time. Life evolves, and your wishes can change. Do not hesitate to regularly review your will to make sure that it always reflects your current wishes.

To modify your will, you can either write a new one (which will automatically revoke the previous one), or add a codicille for minor modifications. In any case, be sure to respect the same formalities as for initial writing.

Financial and legal aspects

Writing a will should not be a financial brake. In reality, it is an investment for the peace of your mind and that of your loved ones. Let me enlighten you on costs and legal implications.

Associated costs

The costs vary depending on the type of testament chosen:

  • Testament Holograph: Free (excluding any deposit costs with a notary)
  • Authentic will: around 100 to 140 € notary fees

These costs are relatively modest compared to the importance of the act. I have often found that my clients consider this expenditure as minimal with regard to the peace of mind that it brings them.

Legal implications

Your will allows you to:

  1. Choose the beneficiaries of your goods
  2. Distribute your heritage according to your wishes
  3. Designate a tutor for your minor children
  4. Express your wishes concerning your funeral

However, do not forget that certain legal rules, such as the hereditary reserve, limit your testamentary freedom. This is why I always recommend consulting a professional to ensure the validity of your provisions.

Eventually, testament is an important act that deserves your attention. It is a gesture of foresight and love towards your loved ones. Do not hesitate to be accompanied in this process. Your peace of mind and that of your heirs are worth it.

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